Fri, 23 February 2024
Fri, 01 March 2024


Black-Necked Crane Farewell Festival

Coordinated by office of Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary (BWS), Black-necked crane farewell festival as part of the celebration for His Majesty’s Birth Anniversary was celebrated today on 23rd February, 2024 at Bumdeling, Trashi Yangtse. Dasho Dzongdag, Dasho Drangpoen and Dasho SP graced the occasion along with the guests, villagers and the students of Bumdeling Lower Secondary School.

Annual Black-necked crane farewell festival is celebrated mainly to advocate conservational awareness to local people and to disseminate information regarding the importance of BNc and it's coexistence. The event is funded by RSPN and UNDP/GEF ecotourism project and it is coordinated by Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary in collaboration with BNC conservation group.
The total bnc counts to 62 this year and the bnc stays at bumdeling for 4 month before leaving to it's summer habitat.