22 January 2022
On 22nd January, 2022 Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag Administration conducted the Oath Taking Ceremony for newly elected 3rd LG members at DT hall. A total of 8 Gups, 8 Mangmis, 41 Tshogpas and 1 Thromde Thuemi attended the program.
A Tashi Khadhars were conferred to Mr. Cheku (Jamkhar Gup) as the new Thrizin and Mr. Dechen Wangdi (Toedtsho Gup) as the new Thrizin Wom by Dasho Dzongdag, Lam Neten, Dasho Drangpen, Dasho SP, Dzongrab Gom and subsequently by the Regional Heads and Dzongkhag Sectors Heads.

Right: Mr. Dechen Wangdi (Toedtsho Gup), New Thrizin Wom