"Build culture and move as a system to make progress in education. This can be made possible by involving our people."
In what is to be yet another landmark intiative for Yangtse Sherig is a day's programme organized by the education sector for all the teachers teaching classes X and XII from three middle secondary schools and one higher secondary school on August 18, 2018 at Tsenkharla Central School. The programme, first intiated in 2017, was aimed at providing an avenue for teachers to:
1. Share their experiences and expertise;
2. Identify challenges and issues;
3. Chart out way forward strategies and plan of actions to enhance quality of teaching-learning, learning outcomes, and overall school performance.
The programme was also attended by close to 160 class X & class XII students (mainly from Tsenkharla CS including 26 students from Baylling CS, Kunzangling CS and Ramnar MSS).