A-three-day Lhenzom was conducted on 28th July till 30th July, 2018 and had a range of physical and mindfulness activities, professional engagements and education discourses including the most anticipated special talk on “Professionalism and Leadership in Public Service” by Dasho Chewang Rinzin, the Director, RIGSS.
All programmes were designed in a manner to build the four intelligences (Mental, Physical, Emotional & Spiritual) in the school leaders and professionals based on the principle of whole person paradigm.
The highlights of this year’s Lhenzom, which brought about 302 school leaders and teachers, 03 education officers, 20 student leaders and upto 30 support staff were:
1. Launching of Yangtse Sherig Endowment Fund (YSEF) by the Chief Guest, Dasho Dzongrabgom of Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag on 28th July, 2018: The fund is primarily aimed at uplifting the status of education in the Dzongkhag through meaningful investment in professional and skills development, special education programmes and innovative projects. The fund shall be referred to “Yangtse Sherig Endowment Fund’ and is aimed at fulfilling the following objectives:
a) The fund must ensure that professional and skills development, special education programmes and innovative projects initiated by the Dzongkhag is sustainable and contributing with measurable outcomes.
b) The fund (YSEF) is created to explore and promote viable and cost effective programmes to ensure access and enhance the quality of education within the Dzongkhag embedded in our belief of bringing “Innovation in Education”.
c) The fund is expected to supplement with additional educational programmes to existing or new ones initiated by the Ministry of Education and speed up the progress of education in the Dzongkhag displayed in terms of leadership, motivation, pedagogy and learning outcomes.
2. Special Talk on “Professionalism and Leadership in Public Service” by Dasho Chewang Rinzin, the Director, RIGSS on 30th July, 2018: Dasho mainly highlighted on being professional, to lead by modeling and to remain up-to-date, relevant and reliable.
3. Gracing of Concluding Programme by all Gups of Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag led by Dzongkhag Tshokdu Thrizin on 30th July, 2018: Collaboration with local leaders is crucial to boost innovation in education.
On the sideline of the Lhenzom also featured a special exhibition by the schools to promote creativity and diversity.